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What does BCA mean in Illinois?

This amount is listed on the Articles of Incorporation. BCA is the acronym for Business Corporation Act of Illinois. When you see BCA Corporation, it means a corporation registered with Illinois pursuant to the Business Corporation Act of 1983, as amended. By-Laws spell out how your company will operate.

What is a BCA form for a corporation in Illinois?

The BCA 13.15 form for corporations is the application required to be filed with the State of Illinois to obtain the legal rights to transact business in Illinois. The amount of shares the corporation is allowed to issue. This amount is listed on the Articles of Incorporation. BCA is the acronym for Business Corporation Act of Illinois.

What is a BCA 13.15 form?

The Statutory General-Purpose language for the BCA 13.15 form is: “To engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the Corporation Laws of ______ (insert the state of incorporation here), and permitted under the Illinois Business Corporation Act of 1983”.

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